It started on Friday when I had the remains of a tooth gouged out. No in truth earlier, when this monstrosity loomed into view from the kitchen window. Allegedly it is shrouded, allegedly for a first floor extension but it is actually covering the third floor of a nearby old peoples' home. We have got in touch with the Planning authority by email with photo evidence, and they say they will take a look it and let us know. My betting is that the owner has a skyscraper in mind.
Anyway, Saturday has been a grey and wet one, but it was enlivened on a country walk when we spied an even more apparent planning contravention. A small house with a long wall is being built in a very bold position in a field near the quaint viallge of Shere. Then we spotted the sign:
and this curious wall:
It is probably made of plastic and painted over.
Anyway we had a chat with a chap on the site who appeared to be a close friend of Gwynneth Paltrow despite his casual attire - a navy blue woolly hat, flourescent waist coat, boots etc. Apparently she will be in a film that will be partly shot there at the end of February. The whole area will then be covered with artificial snow which apparently will be made of bio-degradeable paper. Filming will take place at the end of February and, for the sum of only £50, our new friend said he would introduce us to a certain well-known star providing we wear T shirts with the slogan COLDPLOY on them. This is so he can easily spot us when we arrive.
This is what the plastic and chipboard film house looks like at present:
We will report back in February, probably from Cannes, Mustique LA or whatever, perhaps by mobile phone in the back of a stretch limo.
odd stuff. Did he really offer you £50 or was that one of your made up things?
Yes. But you were supposed to think we had offered him £50 - geddit. 90% of the story was true.
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