Monday, September 11, 2006

Oh to be a Sculptor

(Click on image for a bigger version; click again to return)
We took in a dispaly of 66 sculptures at RHS Wisley last week that were being exhibited by a Society of professional sculptors. They were made from bronze, ceramics,wood, wires, etc and followed a limited number of themes viz. nude women, a few clothed blokes, animals/insects and abstracts. All one had common theme - they were very highly priced.

I thought that quite a few would not fair well from the weather because of dust, frost, leaves etc causing them to crack, rust, look scruffy etc.

One or two were unrepeatable because of the materials used but many came in a set of 50 or so, and some were the 3rd or whatever set of 25/50/ etc. When they are priced at over £1k each you might think that succesful sculptors drive round in Rolls Royces. Mind you I do not know what the cost of the materials is and transporting a large bronze must be a challenge.

So climb aboard and enjoy like this chap and see some of the better ones.

This one below was our joint favourite.

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