Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Our twenty month old grandaughter has inspired me to kick the blog back into life following very unscientific observation. Her favourite words in roughly declining order of use include:

Mummy, Daddy
More -
as in food
Mine - as in lots of things

Uh, oh! - I/you have dropped something
Yay! - Mum is to blame for this one
Look at that!
- and this one!
Up, down

Maccapacca, Daisy - if you don't know those you are watching the wrong TV progs
Worta, worta
- as in the drink, the sea or a swimming pool
Car, boat, 'plane
Jump, splash
Oc, oc -
get me out of this whatever, but quickly
Nanny, Aggi -
the latter refers to me, Gramps!

Animals are a separate category:
dickit - chicken as in wild ones in Hawaii
turtle, turtle
pocock - i.e. peacock

She obviously has a keen intellect, is well travelled and has a strong sense of what is good for her.


Simon Baty said...
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Simon Baty said...

Blimey, how did you remember so many of her words? We can barely think of any to add!

Gordon said...

aha so that's where I get my fascination with the funny things kids say - I'm always mimicing Adam's girls - my fave one was Kati's word for breakfast, "beffdust" :-)

so I was wondering - did she make up Aggi or is that Welsh? either way I think it's great